You Have to Teach her English

You Have to Teach her English

Telling people that I’m only teaching my daughter Chinese has prompted responses such as – Well you have to teach her English!

We live in Canada.  She’s going to daycare, Kindergarten, grade school, high school, university and working in Canada.  At what point along that journey will she not learn English.  She has plenty of time to learn English.  Babies/kids learn so fast, I’m not worried at all about her learning English.  I’m worried that she won’t learn Chinese.   When she grows up she can chose either to or not to speak the language, but at least I gave her the chance to chose.  I know from experience it’s hard to pick up a second language as you get older so it’s best they start early, earlier the better.   So no matter what other people say to you, stay true to your path.  I will continue to teach her Chinese the best I can.  I always encourage my parents to talk, sing and play with her in Chinese too.

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