When Should I start Teaching My Child a Second language

When Should I Start Teaching My Child a Second Language?

Language is an ever learning tool.  It’s never too late and never too early to learn a language.  I need to stop saying I wish I could pick up another language and just start.  I know for myself, I’ve always wanted to learn Japanese, so maybe I should just start.  So when should you start teaching your child another language?  The answer is now! There is no time like the present.  If you think about it and procrastinate long enough, years will pass by and you will still be wondering when is a good time to start.  There is no set age to start and you are never too old to learn a trick or two.  Teaching children is the same, there is no perfect age to start teaching a child a second language but I would say earlier the better.  Children learn so quickly, you should start as soon as possible, like right now.  Even if you’re not prepared to.  I know the child will probably stare at you and wonder what’s gotten into you, but they will slowly catch on and understand what you are saying.  It will be difficult at first with them asking questions but children are curious and their minds are constantly moving.  It’s great to fill them with more wonder in the world.

Should I Start Now?

Should I start now, like right now? Yes! Don’t hesitate.  I feel with mixed race families lots of different cultures and languages will be lost because parents themselves are not fluent and scared to even start teaching the language.  But, even if you are not a fluent speaker, you can always start with teaching your child with whatever you know.  You can always learn together.   As they grow and learn more of the language you can research and learn more with them.  It’s an ever growing and immensely useful tool for yourself and your child in the future.    For me, I started teaching my daughter when she was a baby.  I’m a CBC and not fluent in Chinese but chose to teach her anyways – post here.  I know my Chinese is  not the best but at least I will teach her some and then continue to learn and teach her as well.  My parents are helping out a lot in teaching her Chinese as well.  With a great support system hopefully she will grow up to learn Chinese and out pace her mom by learning to read and write too!

Mommy Dragon

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