Learn Body Parts with Bandaids Chinese

Learn Parts of the Body with Bandaids

My daughter is now 15 months old and she loves babbling away.  I talk to her constantly in Chinese while my husband talks to her in English.  I try my best to talk to her in complete sentences using Chinese but I’m not that great since I’m not fluent or really literate in Chinese.  I was born in Canada and raised in a Chinese environment going to Chinese school, listening to Chinese music and watching Chinese movies.   So I do know some Chinese, it’s just not all that great.    My goal is for my daughter to understand, converse and be somewhat literate in Chinese.  If she achieves that, it will be amazing!  She knows about 40 different Chinese words now and her vocabulary is increasing, by the way, so is my husbands.  As I’m teaching her, he’s learning his Chinese words too and also knows how to read it too.   Toddlers are very aware of their body and it’s easy to teach them their body because they love learning about it.  So playing and learning parts of the body with bandaids is fun! Especially since my 15 month old has never seen a bandaid before.

Learn Body Parts with Bandaids Chinese Activity

Learn Parts of the Body with Bandaids

I didn’t label anything in Chinese.  We just played with a doll.  I would say the doll has a booboo on her arm, foot, leg, head, toes, finger, all in Chinese and we would place a bandaid on that spot.

Chinese Vocabulary

  • Head (頭, tou)
  • Hand (手, sou)
  • Finger (手指, sou zhi)
  • Back (背, bou)
  • Tummy (肚, tou)
  • Foot (腳, gewk)
  • Toe (腳趾, gewk zhi)

She’s had a couple booboos in the past so she knows what a booboo is.  When she sees a booboo, she would point to it and kiss it because that’s what mommy would do, kiss it all better for her.   If she seems a booboo on me, she would run over and say booboo and kiss it better too.  Isn’t she sweet.  So on this doll, we played booboo and would place a bandaid on where she had a booboo.

Learn Body Parts with Bandaids Chinese Activity

What you need:


We had a doll full of bandaids.  She didn’t know what we were doing at first but got the hang of it few minutes in.  I couldn’t peel the bandaids fast enough for her to place bandaids on where we thought the doll was having a booboo.  She had fun and ran out of spots for the doll to have a booboo.  She’s picked up a few new Chinese words body parts now just have to keep repeating them to her.  Will definitely play this again in the future.

Mommy dragon

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