Learn Colors with Pringles Container

Learn Colors with a Pringles Container

Trying to find different activities to challenge my little girl is fun to do.  There is a wealth of information online and sometimes I get a little overwhelmed with all the different activities I could do with her.  My daughter is 16 months old and I’m trying to teach her Chinese.  I’ve been talking to her in Chinese since she was born and she’s picking up a lot now.  But she’s also picking up a lot of English too.  My goal is for her to be able to understand and speak Chinese but if she can recognize a few words because of all this that will be a bonus too.    Here’s was a a simple activity to do with my 16 month old daughter that was easy to setup able to strike up a conversation about colors and also practice her hand eye coordination along with motor skills and fine motor skills.   My daughter is 16 months old and kids learn by playing.  So this game is to play learn colors with a pringles container.

Learn Colors with Pringles Container

Learn Colors with Pringles Container

Chinese Vocab

  • Red (紅, hong)
  • Blue (藍色, lam sik)
  • Yellow (黃色, wong sik)
  • Green (綠色, lok sik)

Material Required:

I previously did some color sorting activities with my daughter.  She performed really well, well I guess the success rate was 50%, better than 0%.  This activity was very simple and just required an empty pringles container and some wooden craft sticks.

Learn Colors with Pringles Container

I cut holes in the lid of the pringles lid, taped colored paper over them and also taped colored paper on the craft sticks.  The object of the game was to have her insert the correct colored stick into the correct colored hole in the lid.

Learn Colors with Pringles Container


Learn Colors with Pringles Container

She was able to take the sticks and push them through the pringles lid.  In Chinese, I explained to her that we were matching the colors on the sticks to the colors on the lid.  She didn’t quiet understand but when I pointed to the correct color on the lid, she pulled out the stick and pushed it through the right color.  On her own, she was not able to match the colors of the stick to the colors on the lid.  I think next time I will try painting the craft stick the same color at the paper and see how she does.  She had fun with it.  We even played with it a couple more times after the initial time.  I think she found it enjoyable to push the craft sticks through the lid.  It has really improved her hand eye coordination and it shows when she is holding a fork or spoon.  We will definitely play this again.

Mommy Dragon

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