Color Sorting with Clothespins Chinese

Color Sorting Fun With Clothespins

Another activity inspired by Chalk Academy is color sorting with Clothespins.  My daughter is 15 months old now and she’s starting to understand more words, walk and more alert during the day.  I wanted to look around for activities we could do together that were simple enough for her to understand and also easy for me to talk to her in Chinese about it.  I’m a CBC and not fluent or literate in Chinese so sometimes I have a hard time speaking to her completely in Chinese but that hasn’t discouraged me.  It has only forced me to do more research and learn more from my parents.  So when I came across Chalk Academy it was really inspiring to see what Betty has done.  I really wanted to try everything she did with her kids.   This color sorting fun activity with clothespins is inspired by one of her similar activities.  I made my activity a little more simpler because my daughter is only 15 months old.

Color Sorting with Clothespins Chinese

Color Sorting Fun with Clothespins

Chinese Vocabulary

  • Red (紅 色, hong sik)
  • Yellow (黃 色, wong sik)
  • Green (綠色, lok sik)
  • Blue (藍色, lam sik)

I used a paper plate and placed big colored dots along the edges.  The clothespins were each assigned a small colored dot and the purpose was just to match the clothespins color to the one on the plate. She had mixed results in the last color sorting activity, when the papers were separated, she did really well, but when I combined the colors, she got confused so I really wasn’t sure how she would react to this activity.

Color Sorting with Clothespins ChineseColor Sorting with Clothespins Chinese

What you need:


She was really intrigued by the clothespins.  Since she’s never seen one before, that kept her occupied for some time.  Then she had problems opening the pin to clip on anything.  She held the clothespin over the plate and wondered why it wasn’t sticking like mine was.  All along I would be chatting away to her in Chinese, letting her knw how to do it and to match up blue with blue, red with red.  The activity was fun and allowed me to talk more in Chinese to her about different things.  She’s only 15 months old so maybe I’ll try this activity again when she gets slightly older.  At least the maim thing is we had fun.

Color Sorting with Clothespins Chinese

Mommy Dragon

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