What are the benefits of teaching my child a second language

What are the Benefits of Teaching My Child a Second Language?

Teaching a child another language is truly beneficial to them mentally and cognitively.  There are plenty of researchers that tell you learning another language improves everything including memory, problem-solving, concentration, creativity, analytical skills and more.   In addition I feel learning another language provides more involvement and connection to a culture and it’s people.   I really just want my daughter to learn Chinese so my culture is not lost just because I live in Canada.  My daughter should have the chance to speak to her grandparents and great grandparents in Chinese, to listen to Chinese music, watch Chinese movies, visit Chinatown and be able to haggle in Chinese, maybe one day visit Hong Kong and enjoy the Chinese culture there too.  Being able to speak the language always lifts a barrier between you and the community.  There are many benefits of teaching your child a second language.

Other benefits of teaching my child a second language is also teaching myself and my husband Chinese.  I am learning as she is learning.   Since I’m not fluent in Chinese, I have to ask my mom how to read or write Chinese words.  I, in turn teach my daughter.  By speaking more Chinese to my daughter my husband is now learning Chinese too.  One day I said something to her in Chinese and he picked up and really surprised me.  I did not think he understood.    Anyway, it is a fun learning experience for everyone and a skill that will benefit everyone in the future, especially my daughter.   Hope you will continue to persevere to teach your child another language.  It is a rewarding skill with a lifetime of benefits.

Mommy Dragon

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