2 Fun Chinese Color Sorting Activities for Toddlers

Building on my last activity with my 15 month old daughter I decided to change it up a little.  We tried to play with the sorting again in the last activity by sorting toys and stickers.  The chinese toy sorting we didn’t do too well again but with stickers she was doing great.  I even hid the red bristol board behind the green, she searched out the right color and applied the right sticker dot on it.   With constant encouragement and conversation I would pass her another colored sticker and ask her where to put it.  She constantly got it right.  So I decided to change it up.  These fun chinese color sorting activities are all inspired by Chalk Academy, I learned so much from Betty and great activities.   I tried 2 variations and since they are so simple it’s great for 0-18 month toddler.  My 15 month old was having a blast!  At least we were engaged for about 30 minutes of playing and conversing in Chinese.

2 Fun Chinese Color Sorting Activities

Colors in Chinese

To keep it consistent and repeating what she already learned, I kept with the same colors of :

  • Blue, Green, Red (Lan , Lok, Hóng/藍, 綠, 紅)

a) Fun Color Sorting Activity – Toys

I used the bristol board from the last activity and rolled them up into a cylinder to create a little bucket.  She’s never really seen that before and was intrigued with it.  Then I would hand her a colored toy like a lego, building block or colored letter and tell her which bucket the toy would sort into.  ie red lego into red bucket.

2 Fun Chinese Sorting Activities for Toddlers

What you need:

  1.  Large colored Bristol Board/colored paper
  2. Black Sharpie to write the letters on the board
  3. Colorful toys – LegoBuilding BlocksToy FoodStacker Toys
  4. Tape


She was too intrigued with throwing the toys into the bucket and having so much fun.  She kept on throwing toys in and peering down to see where the toys went.  She ended up not sorting anything and we ended up with toys scattered all over the floor.  She also discovered that the cylinders make great hats so we were playing with them as hats for a while too.   Maybe when the novelty wears off we will try this activity again.

2 Fun Chinese Sorting Activities for Toddlers

b) Fun Color Sorting Activity – Sticker Dots

So from the above activity I had 3 cylinders of colors.  I stacked them on top of each other to make one big cylinder and taped them all together.  So a bit of each color was showing.  My 15 month old daughter would be handed a color sticker and I would ask where she should put the sticker.  Well she stuck it on herself.

2 Fun Chinese Sorting Activities for Toddlers2 Fun Chinese Sorting Activities for Toddlers

What you need:

  1. Large colored Bristol Board/colored paper (same one as above)
  2. Black Sharpie to write the letters on the board (same one as above)
  3. Sticker dots in multiple colors
  4. Tape


It was interesting because when the boards were separated she did great.  She knew exactly where each color sticker dot went.  But when the boards were put together she had a hard time understanding that it was still 3 different colors and to put the colored dot on the right colored paper.  So she ended up sticking the colored dots randomly.   I would continuously provide encouragement and correction but still same result.  She had lot so fun and always clapped after applying a sticker, it was hard not to be happy with her.  In the end we had so much fun playing with the stickers and she had one big huge hat to wear.


It was a great learning activity and will definitely try it again.  2 fun Chinese sorting activities are great for toddlers ages 0-18 months old.  We’ll see when she’s 18 months old if she is able to complete these activities properly.

Mommy Dragon

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